Echos of Fire

Passion for dogs

A small dog with a big character, you will find it at Echos of Fire! Our goal to breed happy and well-socialized Miniature Pinschers.

We are a small-scale kennel that presents and breeds Miniature Pinschers with great passion. This gives us the opportunity to give both the parent animals and the puppies the love they are supposed to receive. Our dogs are raised in our home and garden, we also like to the forests around our home town and in the mountains on one of our vacations

Over ons

About us

My name is Gijs de Waard, together with my husband Michael Feij we own the kennel Echos of Fire. We are small hobby breeders who breed according to the standard of the FCI and the regulations of the Association of Breeders and Lovers of smooth-haired Miniature Pinschers and related breeds (VFLD).

Our kennel is located in Soesterberg (the Netherlands). We are fortunate that there are enough shows in the Netherlands every year where I can proudly present my dogs. In addition, I absolutely do not mind traveling for a show.

My first encounter with Miniature Pinschers is about 20 years ago. My parents liked this breed and the strength and passion of this breed has always stayed with me. Later, my husband and I purchased our first male dog in 2018. With this male we started showing and thanks to the many people around us, we learned a lot from those around us in the “dog world”. With in particular my “mentor” Bianca Smits……

Beer, Dax & Fina

Within our kennel we currently have 3 dogs, 2 of which are shown at national shows and international shows. Beer is our mascot, after all he is the dog where it all really started.

Kennel Echos of Fire
Ontmoet Beer, Dax & Fina
Ontmoet Beer, Dax & Fina


Our first male is named Rostelley’s Angels Driven by Love, Aka Beer. Thanks to Bianca Smits (Kennel, Rostelley’s Angels) we are already 4 years proud owner of this male. As a puppy, Beer was already demonstrating his opinion. Now he is a stable, watchful adult dog. The wish was there to breed with Beer. Unfortunately, due to circumstances, this is not possible.

Beer is born on April 7, 2018 and has been our loyal buddy since June 17, 2018. Together with Beer, I have already had the opportunity to go to a number of shows and get nice results. Beer is good at acting during such shows, he behaves at these times as a very loyal and command-oriented dog during these kinds of events. At home, he is mainly a wonderful dog with an independent and stubborn character.


Our second male is named Aurra Sing Meet Rostelleys New Dream aka Dax. Where he was imported to bring new bloodlines to the kennel of Rostelley’s Angels, He is also intended, should all go well, to start the family pedigree of Echos of Fire. As a pup, Dax already clearly showed how open and approachable he is. Something we missed in Beer and what we found in this handsome boy.

Dax is born on May 3, 2022 and has been Beer’s faithful companion since August 18, 2022. Together with Dax I have competed a number of shows where he achieved excellent results. At home, he is a very quiet dog who is at ease everywhere. He has a sweet and caring character. If something happens in the house, he will be the first to turn up with his long nose. We are happy with the addition of Dax to our kennel…..


We proudly present our 3rd dog. Aurra Sing This is the way of Fire is her name. Fina is a wonderfully playful dog with a very unique character. She is playful and loves working for her boss. She plays with the men with pleasure and determines what happens in the house.

Fina came to live with us at 15 weeks and from day 1 she has been fully accepted by the men. Fina is, if all goes well, our future hope for the kennel. For now she is a wonderful house dog with great show ability and beautiful character.